Betekenis van:
round table

round table
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • conferentie zonder préséance
  • a meeting of peers for discussion and exchange of views



round table
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • tafelronde, Tafelronde
  • (legend) the circular table for King Arthur and his knights




  1. We bought a round table.
  2. The people gathered around a round table.
  3. We need a square table; not a round one.
  4. At most 10 people can sit round the table.
  5. European Round Table ‘De-inking of Digital Prints’. Munich, 31.1.2007.
  6. European Round Table ‘De-inking of Digital Prints’.
  7. European Round Table ‘De-inking of Digital Prints’. Munich, 31.1.2007. Axel Fischer, INGEDE.
  8. will organize a public round table in order to promote dialogue and improve transparency for each opinion that it produces,
  9. shall organise a public round table in order to promote dialogue and improve transparency for each opinion that it produces,
  10. In the table in Article 1(2)(a) the round brackets and asterisk after the words ‘Bulgaria’ and ‘Romania’ and the footnote ‘(*) Estimated amount’ shall be deleted;
  11. For Sardinia, ENAC held a round table of operators interested in certain routes and defined with them the distribution of traffic.
  12. other events connected with the preparation of Community-level initiatives (e.g. the yearly European Round Table on Poverty and Social Exclusion and the European Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty);
  13. International cooperation will be enhanced by a round table linked to the Forum in order to ensure regular dialogue on best practice, codes of conduct, self-regulation and quality ratings.
  14. sieves with slotted perforations of 1,0 mm, 1,8 mm, 1,9 mm, 2,0 mm, 2,2 mm and 3,5 mm and sieves with a 1,8 mm and 4,5 mm round mesh. The sieves may be fitted to a vibrating table.
  15. For the purposes of Article 5(4) of the Agreement on Agriculture [4] concluded during the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations and in the light of the latest data available for 2006, 2007 and 2008, the trigger levels for additional duties of tomatoes, apricots, lemons, plums, peaches, including nectarines, pears and table grapes should be adjusted.